- MMommy, can I pplease pplay with my ddung doll????
- I wonder if it turns the milk chocolate?
- He insisted on buying this dragon fruit.. now to see if he’ll actually try it!
- What if I buy some dung balls or something?
- It’ll stop you right up!
- How about some fish sticks?
- So crunchy!
- But NOT seaweed!
- Who love chicken!
Hey Grays: Miss you so much! Laura and Naylor, went to Billy Ray’s bootcamp yesterday at 11am, which he held OUTSIDE FOR AN HOUR IN THE 100 DEGREE HEAT! Thought I would die of a stroke, but I feel great today. It’s not the same without you guys, though.
Looks like the trip is going well! I’ll check back with you soon, love and hugs to all of you!
Laura and Kieran