Our trip to Agra was the most amazing, interesting, fascinating road trip I have ever been on. From Dehli, it took us almost 6 hours to drive to Agra (probably around a 2 hour trip in the US) and here is a list of all the things on the road with us (and why it took 6 hours!) Vehicles- trucks & cars (medium & large), buses (filled to overflowing with people hanging off & on the roof) motorcycles (with up to 4-5 people on them!) bicycles (plus bicycles pulling people [rickshaws] & carts) auto rickshaws (basically a three wheeled motorcycle with a cart on back- made to seat around 4 people comfortably, but usually filled with up to 15 +) carts pulled by horses, oxen, camels & people and tractors. I’m sure I forgot a few, too. Then there are the animals & people- THOUSANDS of people all walking on & crossing the roads all the time! And cows, horses, donkeys, goats, pigs, camels, dogs, chickens & monkeys everywhere… it is just totally CRAZY! As much as I enjoy driving- I don’t think I could or would here. But the car trip was just the beginning as Agra itself proved to be a really cool place. The first night we were in our hotel (with a view of the Taj from our room) there was a wedding- fireworks, loud music, dancing- the works. I would really love to get invited to one while we are here! The Taj Mahal was one of those places where you can’t believe you are actually there after seeing it in photos since childhood. It is of course even more amazing in person- up close you can see the marble is inlaid with semi precious stone- very intricate & beautiful. You can definitely see why it took 20,000 people 22 years to build it! When the kids could no longer stand the heat we got to visit the factory where they are still making the marble today. Some of the pieces that are inlaid are the size of a fingernail clipping- so much work. We also visited a rug making factory (men sitting at a loom hand knotting – some rugs take up to & over a year to make) a silk embroidery place, several stone stores & the kids also got some native wear. In between all that we also visited Agra Fort- where the royal family who built the Taj lived. The palace in it’s heyday must’ve been amazing! We finished up that long day on the back side of the Taj (across the river) where the king started a masoleum for himself. It never got completed because he died soon after starting…but it’s a beautiful place to watch the sun set on the Taj. The next day we made the long journey back to Delhi- and we left early to make sure we didn’t miss our flight. We arrived at the airport at 4:30 for our 7 PM flight that was delayed until 11:30! Thankfully there was a play area where the kids were able to burn off some energy with the other kids from the flight. We finally got back to Chennai around 3AM- exhausted but with some wonderful memories! OK- realized after writing this it really was too many photos for one post.. SO, here are the photos of getting there & our day of sightseeing. I’ll put the rest in another post later.
That doesn’t look like a very good smelling place for a nap!
It’s hard to get down the street
That looks like hard work
There’s a bicycle under all that!
He was pretty fascinated
I forgot about the tractors pulling stuff
Monkey man
Bindi Edie- she now has lots
Typical street scene
Sharing the road
The trucks are so colorful!!
These were all over
Make the animals do the work!
Out the windshield (no wonder it took so long to get there!)
Here are the rest of them..
Checking out the Taj from their room
Calm from the chaos…
The boys
The girls
The wedding scene
Groom’s family?
Groom close up
Walking up the stairs since the power kept going out…
Early morning street scene- Camels!
Taking a rickshaw up to the entrance of the Taj
I & N in the rickshaw
With our guide, Raj
First view
Can’t believe we’re here!
We took so many photos
We were just so excited to be there!!
So they can remember it forever
The first of many..
The “touching the top” photo
Another classic pose
This is called the “Princess Diana” bench..
Probably getting tired of posing
Raj took this…
Taking a break
Putting shoe covers on to go inside
Spongebob shoe cover head
I can’t believe I’m touching it!!
Marble inlay at the entrance
More marble inlay and carvings
Close up of the semi-prcious stone inlay
Marble carvings
River view
The Mosque
Taking another break
The view to the front gate
More new friends
Tribal- faced bug
One last photo on the way out…
Colorful scene
Marble & stone inlay factory
Pieces ready for inlay- some are so tiny!
So curious
Detail- like the Taj
Cool lit up table
Putting the pieces in
Helping out
At the loom
By far Isaac’s favorite part
He was so excited to try it!
Beating down the knots
He really liked this part too
She’s part of the team
Helping some more
They were SO soft & beautiful!
Trying on some clothes
Modeling a kurta
New clothes!
Jewel Rug
Checking out the stones
Wait- are we in Singapore?
On the way in to Agra Fort
Part of the castle
Checking out the “bathtub”
Taking a break
In the castle
I’m sure the young princes did this, too
A great place to play
Mom & two babies
Library wall
Secret hideout
Taj view from castle
Another break
Carved doors
All the stones were gone off the walls
More posing with people
Nice breeze
Can you see the Taj in the distance?
That’s the King’s room behind Naylor
More stone inlay in the king’s room
Princess on her throne
They found a kite
Entertainment venue at the palace
Chipmunk- like creature
People openly filmed them…
Sunset Taj
This is the foundation for the King’s mausoleum
Another panoramic view
From the back side
One LAST family photo
Making friends wherever she goes
Crackberry @ the Taj
Walking through the gardens
She was excited to go
Hanging out
Edie helped him out, too
Raj & kids
We loved Raj!!
The complete outfit